Trove Thursday – “Intervening Fate” Excerpt

One of my favorite stories that is very personal to me. I love these characters. Let me know what you think. As always, happy reading!

“Oh my God, mom. Go home already,” Cadence complained as her mother rearranged Cadie’s closet drawers for a fifth time. “I’m only in Conway. It’s not like I moved to Illinois like Leann,” Cadence’s embarrassment came across as anger. Her new roommate, Amy, was politely trying to ignore Cadence’s mother fluttering around their room, occasionally moving some of Amy’s belongings, in the vain hope of not having to leave. Continue reading

Trove Thursday – Blood’s Desire Excerpt #6

This is the final installment of the Blood’s Desire excerpts. I truly hope you have enjoyed the excerpts and have over looked my shameless self-publicity. It is over for now HEHEHE, until the next book is ready for publishing 🙂 If you’ve missed any of the other excerpts, please go to Trove Thursday to see them all.

End of chapter 17:

I waved to the boys as they backed out of the drive. I smiled to myself as I locked the door. I could still feel Gabriel’s essence, happy and agitated. I rolled my eyes and headed back toward the living room. I went to the Japanese end table to look through the mail. Then everything went black.


I opened my eyes to a pitch black room. There were no sounds, smells, or light. What happened? Where am I? I strained my ears to hear something. There was nothing, not even the sound of crickets. I tried moving around. I wasn’t tied down or locked into the spot I woke up in. I reached out in front of me. There wasn’t anything there, so I walked in a straight line until I found a wall.

The wall was grainy and had a damp soil smell. I was tempted to taste it, but I was afraid to find out if I was in the earth. I walked around the room keeping my hand on the wall, trying to find a way out. There wasn’t a door at hand level, so I started over again reaching above my head to the ceiling. I hoped for a window like one in a basement. Please, let there be a window. Let it be midnight. Please, find me Gabriel.

I hope you enjoyed. Please feel free to leave a comment, and as always, happy reading.

Trove Thursday – Blood’s Desire Excerpt #5

I hope you have enjoyed the excerpts from previous weeks. Here’s the excerpt for chapter 4. If you would like to see previous excerpts, please see the Trove Thursday. If you would like a copy of the book, please see this link. Thanks!

Once Gabriel was out of sight, I counted to three before turning back to the two gentlemen in the room with me. “Ms. Bell, please have a seat. We would like to brief you on your new post,” Robert said as he held a chair out for me. Seth had already taken a seat across the table from my chair. He seemed to appraise me as I took my seat. I felt very self-conscious as he leaned forward to look me fully in the face. I noticed his eyes as the light reflected on them. His once green eyes had a slight cloudy film over each, making him seem much older than his seventy-three years.
Robert seated himself closer to me, but still far enough away to make me feel like a teen called into the principal’s office. “Ms. Bell,” he began.
“Please, call me Andrea or Andi,” I interceded. Continue reading

Trove Thursday – Blood’s Desire Excerpt #4

Yes, I know it’s late, again. This is an excerpt from chapter 3 in Blood’s Desire. I hope you enjoy. If you need to catch up on the excerpts, please feel free to go to any of the following links to see them 😉 Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2

“I cooked us breakfast. Don’t you eat in the morning? You know it’s the most important meal.” He stood and moved to the chair next to him. “Come sit with me,” he said with a smile. He pulled the chair out for me. I couldn’t say no to his smile. I sat and he pushed the chair under me. “Thank you for joining me. You don’t really have to eat if you don’t typically eat breakfast.” He gave me that smile again. I was in love with his smile already. I’d probably do whatever he wanted me to do if he smiled when he requested it. Glutton.
“Oh, no, I do eat breakfast. I just thought maybe you weren’t a morning person and I didn’t want to disturb you. I didn’t realize you made breakfast.” I looked down, ashamed of myself when I realized his face was looking at me inquisitively. I didn’t know what he was looking for, but I was sure he was reading me like a book.
“What gave you the impression that I wasn’t a morning person?” he asked as he took a large gulp of his tomato juice. Great, now I’ve insulted him. Continue reading

Trove Thursday – Book Excerpt #3

The following is an excerpt from chapter two from my published book “Blood’s Desire.” Check it out on Amazon.

The rest of the road trip was uneventful. I called my mother every two hours as promised. I called once I arrived. However, I had someone else call my mom instead of the person I was staying with. I felt juvenile when I did it, but I couldn’t let my mom think I was shacking up with some man she hadn’t even met.
I stopped in front of a driveway that crashed into the garage of a beautiful brick house, larger then I was accustomed to seeing a young ADA live in, so I assumed that the person putting me up was older and well-established. This made me extremely nervous. At least before my arrival, I had the hope of not having many employees older than myself, but after seeing the house I was sure my hopes were shattered. Continue reading

Trove Thursday – Book Excerpt #2

This is an excerpt from chapter 1 of my published book. I hope you all enjoy. You can click the picture to see the Amazon page for the book.

Featured image

The fog rolled in from the river like a serpent coiling around its prey as I drove down the February highway. It was bleak and cold outside, and I shivered at the thought of the frigid wind. It was still early yet, not quite seven o’clock. I was headed to a new town, pursuing the dream of freedom from my fears; my fears of inadequacy, of the unknown, but most of all, of solitude.

I received the letter in the mail two weeks prior requesting my presence at a job interview. I hadn’t put in for a new job, but the salary offered was too good to pass up. Turns out, Bobby, my boss, sent my resume without telling me. As excited as I was two weeks before, my fears of moving to a new place stifled all hopes of being cheerful on the long drive to Savannah. I hated moving, meeting new people, and being even further away from my family.
I had reluctantly moved away from my family and Little Rock, Arkansas to Memphis, Tennessee for the last job I had taken as the Assistant District Attorney to three small outlying towns of Memphis. The job kept me busy; too busy, in fact, to notice that I never saw anyone outside the courthouses. I didn’t have friends in Memphis, just colleagues and a housemate. I didn’t realize until I was half way to Savannah, Georgia why I dreaded this move so much more than the move to Memphis. I was going to be an entire day’s drive from my family and living alone for the first time since I was twenty. No more weekend trips to see my parents or siblings. No more “Carino’s Fridays” with college friends. I would be too far away to be able to go home on a regular basis. This realization hit me harder than I expected; and to top it all off, I was going to be a great deal less active at work.

Continue reading

Trove Thursdays – Book Excerpt #1

Drip, drip, drip…
Dark, cold, sodden…
The passage of time counting down…
Drip, drip, drip…
My shirt is yanked off…
Hands smoothing over my stomach…
Drip, drip, drip…
Alcohol, tobacco, sweat…
“Josh, leave us…”
Drip, drip, drip…
My body’s frozen…
Unheard cries escape…
Drip, drip, drip…
Legs shoved apart by strong thighs…
Skirt yanked up…
Drip, drip, drip…
“You know you like it Bitch…”
I gasped awake, eyes wide open, soundless screams erupting from me. I was covered in cold sweat, my clothes and sheets so drenched they could be wrung out. It took at least five minutes to calm myself. “Not again,” I mumbled to myself as I rolled over to see what time it was. Four AM, great. “Might as well get up.” I still had to pack what little I had left out and move everything to the car. After fifteen years, you’d think I’d be getting over it, or at least, stop dreaming about it… Hopefully it’s not an omen.

Let me know what you think. As always, happy reading!